The Caring Connection is now a California Community Transitions Lead Organization!
The federal and state governments are partnering with professionals in your home community to let you know about options to long stays as an inpatient in a health facility. If your stay in a hospital, a nursing or sub-acute care facility, or an intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities has lasted longer than 6 months and you have been a Medi-Cal beneficiary for the last 30 days, you may be eligible for this special program.
This is a voluntary project. There are many things to think about and consider with your family, friends and your doctor.
If you (or a loved one) would like to explore the possibility of moving out on your own, please call The Caring Connection at (888) 565-4555 and ask to speak to a Transition Coordinator who can assist you by: |
Talking to you about where you want to live and receive services.
- Exploring services and supports that are available in your home community.
- Helping you talk about the program with your physician and other people you name.
- Planning and coordinating a return to community living.
The Caring Connection 888-595-4555. Experienced caregivers and nurses for developmentally disabled, physically disabled and elderly in San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, Antelope Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Inland Empire, Orange County and Surrounding Areas. |